A little here,
a little there…
…leaves a Little Everywhere. This podcast production outfit and recording studio in Los Angeles is led by ‘This American Life’ vet Jane Marie and Modest Mouse/Cold War Kids alum Dann Gallucci. Their punk roots and DIY style were right in the LFB wheelhouse.

When we were trying to come up with the wordmark for Little Everywhere, we dug up some old Letraset sheets in our art library.
We scanned in some half-used cards and broke out this killer type. Clean, smooth, modern from afar. But look closer and you see the rough & bumpy, handmade edging around the letters. We love those rich, analog flaws that Little Everywhere's storytelling celebrates so well.

I’m like a punk rock Eames Chair.
Line strokes evoke headphone cables and course through the negative space, swirling towards each other, sketching out a graffiti-cubist portrait of the founders.